Using AI To Empower Authenticity

OmniScan technology takes unique QR Codes and neural matrix algorithms to ensure authenticity validation and customer data accessibility for elite products.

Authenticity Validation

  • Secure Transfer Of Ownership

    Using a private block chain, we allow clients to provide their customers with the ability to register a product and resell it while maintaining tracking.

  • Manufacturing Data

    Real-time encoding of machine data from manufacturing processes ensures accurate information for customer safety and regulatory confirmation.

  • Customer Safety

    Give your customers piece of mind in knowing what they have purchased is safe, original, and authentic. Free from counterfeits, manipulations, and scams.

Contests With Cookie Free Data Harvesting

When a customer chooses to provide their information, we reference databases to determine their location as well. This allows physical goods sold in retail environments to acquire customer information and reward them through real time contests with prizes. No invasive cookies required. Secure blockchain encryption databases prevent manipulation allowing for fair and ethical approaches using unique QR Code IDs.

  • Customers Choose To Provide Data

  • IP Based Geolocation Referenced

  • Instant Contest Rewards

  • Private & Secure Blockchain

All information gathered belongs solely to your company. We do not access client data nor store it on our servers in any way. Everything is secure and protected from hackers because the encrypted process is never accessible to the outside world and is only available on internal servers assigned to you that reject all external inquiry.

Contact Us


Reach out to us via email. You will have a response within 24 hours and we will schedule a phone consultation.